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Cii Summit 2024

Cii Summit 2024

The Cii Summit is a pivotal event in today's rapidly evolving world, addressing critical themes such as philanthropy, political influence, growth mindset, digital disruption, organisational design, and investment impact. Picture an Ireland without charities. What would it look like? In an era marked by an unrelenting pursuit of profit and technological advancements that threaten human connection and purpose, the indispensable role of charities becomes evident. They are not just important; they are essential. Our Summit program is designed to unlock the power of Ireland's leading charities, demonstrating their crucial role in fostering a fair, equal, and inclusive society. As we approach an election year, our sector must have a seat at the table, partnering in shaping the economic and social dialogue for our country's future.

Our keynote speaker, Dr Margaret (Windham) Heffernan, renowned for her 2019 TED Talk "The Human Skills We Need in an Unpredictable World," which has garnered over 4 million views, will set the stage for a day of insightful discussions. Charities matter for political stability, fostering social cohesion during deep division and fiscal inequality. With wealth consolidating into fewer hands, our economic equality depends on a thriving and valued not-for-profit sector to ensure everyone can access services and resources. Our value and contribution cannot be overlooked, with one in eight people employed in the sector. The government must recognise and support the indispensable role of charities as an investment in our nation's strength and resilience.

Join us at the Summit as we delve into these critical discussions, showcase charities' profound impact, and advocate for their rightful place in shaping a brighter future for Ireland. Your participation in the "Catalysts for Change: Influencing the Political Agenda" panel, hosted by Newstalk's Shane Coleman, is crucial as we explore these themes and work together to shape a more resilient and inclusive future. Your input is essential as we navigate these challenges and identify opportunities for transformative change.

Key Note Speaker

Dr. Margaret (Windham) Heffernan worked at the BBC for 13 years, producing dramas and documentaries for radio and TV. She also led multimedia productions for several US companies. Margaret is a well-known author with six books to her name, including Willful Blindness: Why We Ignore the Obvious at our Peril was named one of the most important business books of the decade by the Financial Times. She's a sought-after speaker at global conferences. Her TED talks, viewed by over fifteen million people, have made a significant impact. Her most recent book, Uncharted: How to map the future was published in 2020. It quickly became a bestseller and, was nominated for the Financial Times Best Business Book award, was one of Bloomberg’s Best Books of 2021. She is a Professor of Practice at the University of Bath and, through Merryck & Co., mentors CEOs and senior executives of major global organizations. She speaks at major corporate and non-profit conferences worldwide, chairs the board of DACS and has advised the Casey Review on the culture and standards of the Metropolitan Police and the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse led by Alexis Jay. In 2023, Margaret was inducted into the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame for her lasting contribution to management thinking. Margaret continues to be an active broadcaster, writer, and community member. Her new book, "Embracing Uncertainty," is set to be published in March 2025.

+Impact Panel Session #4

Catalysts for Change: Influencing the Political Agenda

In a world fraught with socio-economic disparities and political discord, the role of charities as influencers in shaping political agendas is paramount. This closing panel, hosted by Newstalk's Shane Coleman, delves deep into the trenches of advocacy, spotlighting how charities wield their power to drive tangible policy changes and societal reforms.

Exploring the dynamic intersection of charity work and political activism, our esteemed panellists reveal the strategic maneuvers and bold initiatives that propel charities into the spotlight as formidable influencers. From grassroots movements to high-stakes negotiations, we unveil the behind-the-scenes strategies that elevate charities from mere stakeholders to architects of change on the political stage.

Join us as we uncover the impactful ways in which charities are shaping the future of political discourse and policy-making, ensuring that the voices of the vulnerable and marginalised are not only heard but drive forward societal progress.

2024 Cii Summit Program

Cii Summit Program_2024 by CharitiesInstituteIreland

We thank Mercer Ireland for their invaluable support in making the Cii Summit 2024 possible. With over 75 years of providing trusted advice and solutions, Mercer is committed to building healthier and more sustainable futures for its clients, colleagues, and communities.
Mercer Ireland's ongoing support enables the hosting of this vital event but also reinforces collective efforts to foster collaboration, innovation, and progress within the charitable sector. Their partnership is instrumental in achieving a more just and equitable future. Thank you, Mercer Ireland, for your unwavering commitment to Charities Institute Ireland, its members, and the sector as a whole.

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